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FAQ's About Breast Reduction Surgery (Mammoplasty) with Op.Dr. Tuna Turkmen Istanbul Aeshtetics Center / Turkey

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How long does the recovery process of Breast Reduction surgery take?

How long does the recovery process of Breast Reduction surgery take?-turkey

Depending on the technique, the breast reduction surgery may take 2.5 - 4 hours, sometimes even more. After breast reduction surgery;

  • One night stay in the hospital.
  • On average, drains are removed after two to three days.
  • Once you've finished the initial dressing, you can shower.
  • The special bra given to you is used for 6 - 8 weeks.
  • As the swelling decreases, the shape of your breast becomes clearer.
  • It usually takes 6 months for the breast to take its final shape.
  • Normal life is returned after 1 week.
  • Sports activities are started after 6 weeks.

Will there be any scars after Breast Reduction surgery?

On the scar that will occur after the operation;

  • Technique used,
  • The care showed,
  • Genetics of the patient,
  • Environmental factors,
  • Factors such as the patient's skin type are effective.

According to the applied technique, round scars remain in the form of T, L, and J letters and around the nipple. The wounds, which are obvious and red at the beginning, turn pink over time and approach the skin color. At the end of a year, it fades into a fine line and loses clarity. Since the scar around the nipple coincides with the color change area in the areola, it is not noticed. The resulting scars will take their final form two years later.

Scars are minimized with postoperative scar-reducing silicone gels. You can use special creams that reduce scar clarity and fluffy scar development. In addition, the clarity of the scars can be reduced by not smoking and eating foods rich in vitamin C.

How long after the operation will the proper shape of my breasts appear?

It takes an average of 3 to 6 months for the breasts to take their natural form after the edema passes, and it takes two years for the incision scars to take their final form.

Will my breast shape always remain the same after the surgery?

The shape of the breast that occurs after the surgery does not change in a normal situation, however, it can change due to gravity, weight gain, pregnancy, sun exposure, and aging.

Can Breast Reduction surgery be repeated?

Breast reduction surgery can be performed on breasts that are not sufficiently reduced or well shaped. It is beneficial to perform this procedure at least 1 year after the first operation.

Will my breasts return to their original shape if I give birth after Breast Reduction?

Your breasts that have undergone breast reduction surgery will not return to their former size after delivery. It may grow a little after birth but not enough to require breast reduction surgery.

What ages are suitable for Breast Reduction?

What ages are suitable for Breast Reduction?-turkey

For breast reduction surgery, at the age of 18, puberty and the breast development process must stop, and six months must have passed. However, in case of serious health problems related to breast size, breast reduction surgery can be performed before age 18.

When can I wear a bra after breast reduction surgery, and how can I choose the right bra?

After the operation, the special bra given by your surgeon is used for two months. You should try it 2-3 months after the operation and buy a bra that will not put pressure on the incision marks and grip your breast well.

Can I not use a bra after Breast Reduction surgery?

Can I not use a bra after Breast Reduction surgery?-turkey

It is necessary to use a special bra 2-3 months after the operation to support the suture lines and breasts, and it is not necessary to use a bra in the next period. However, if a bra is not used, there is a possibility of sagging breasts with the effect of gravity.

Does Breast Reduction Surgery have any effect on breast cancer?

Breast reduction surgery does not cause breast cancer; your risk of developing cancer will decrease as your breast tissue decreases. For those who have a family history of breast cancer and are over the age of 40 who will undergo this surgery, the possibility of undiagnosed cancer with preoperative mammography and breast ultrasonography is also eliminated.

Can I breastfeed after breast reduction surgery?

If the connection of the mammary gland with the nipple is preserved with the techniques applied during breast reduction surgery, it is possible to breastfeed after the surgery. Since the breast milk ducts are removed in the graft technique, the breast loses its breastfeeding function after the surgery. There is no such risk with other techniques.

How long after surgery can I breastfeed?

Since the pregnancy process will enter between the surgery and breastfeeding, sufficient time will have passed.

Does smoking affect the healing process?

Since smoking will affect the vessels in the region and negatively affect the nutrition of the breast tissue and skin, it will prolong the healing process and cause infection.

Is there any loss of sensation after breast reduction surgery?

In breast reduction surgery performed with the graft technique, the sensation is lost because the nerves in the nipple area are cut. Depending on the extent of the surgery, there may be temporary numbness in the nipple and the skin tissue around the breast. Loss of sensation gradually improves over the months; however, it takes approximately 1 year for the feeling to return.

Can ultrasound and mammography be taken after breast reduction surgery?

There is no harm in taking an ultrasound and mammography after breast reduction surgery.

Will my décolleté be fuller after breast reduction surgery?

With breast reduction surgery, excess tissues from the lower part of the breast are removed. If the remaining breast tissue is lifted up with the breast lift procedure, a more beautiful décolleté appearance will appear.

How long after my breastfeeding period can I have Breast Reduction surgery?

It is necessary to wait between 6 months and 1 year for the mammary glands to return to their former state.


You can contact us or visit our clinic to get detailed information about breast reduction (Mammoplasty) and to be examined.

This article is for informational and advisory purposes. The recommendations of your surgeon who will examine you and perform the surgery should be a priority.