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How is Rhinoplasty Surgery Done? What are The Steps of Rhinoplasty Surgery? in Istanbul Aesthetics/Plastic Surgery Clinic

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How is rhinoplasty surgery done? What are the steps of rhinoplasty surgery?

  • First step: Anesthesia

During the surgical process, you will get medication for comfort. General anesthesia or intravenous sedation are the options. The patient is frequently given IV sedation in addition to local anesthetic to aid in their relaxation throughout the surgical procedure. Intravenous sedation numbs the precise location of the surgery. During the rhinoplasty operation, a general anaesthetic may also be utilized to put the patient into a deep slumber. The ideal medicine will be suggested by your doctor based on your unique needs.

  • Step 2: The Incisions

Depending on whether a rhinoplasty is open or closed, different incisions are employed. The columella, the tissue stub that divides the nostrils, is cut across during an open rhinoplasty. This method is usually saved for big procedures since it is more intrusive. Smaller changes to the nose's form are made via a closed rhinoplasty, which includes covert incisions inside the nose. The skin covering the nasal bones and cartilage is lifted through these incisions, providing access to sculpt the nose's structure.

  • Step 3 - Monitoring

Your doctor may keep an eye on your blood pressure and respiratory rate during the treatment to make sure your body is responding to it appropriately. These monitors are for the patient's safety and are rarely a cause for concern.

  • Step 4 - Reshaping The Nose Structure

Once the incisions have been done, the surgeon can reshape the patient's nose in line with the pre-op plans that were agreed. Bone or cartilage removal can be used to constrict a big nose. Occasionally, cartilage from the ear or, less frequently, a piece of rib cartilage may need to be added during surgery. The septum, the partition in the center of the nose, is most frequently utilized for this purpose. To enhance breathing, a deviated septum can be straightened and the protrusions inside the nose can be reduced.

  • Step 5 - Closing The Incisions

The doctor will seal the incisions with tiny sutures after the structure of the nose has been moulded into the appropriate form. The nostrils' creases may also have further incisions to change their size. When the nose heals and to prevent unintentional damage, a splint is typically worn. Nevertheless, certain individuals may also have internal tubes or splints. After surgery, the patient is transferred to a recovery area where they will be watched for a little while to make sure their vital signs remain stable until it is okay for them to go home. While most patients are permitted to leave the hospital following surgery within a few hours, some patients are kept overnight for observation. Prior to surgery, patients should have received instructions from their doctor to arrange for someone to pick them up after a brief time of recuperation. After a rhinoplasty treatment, you won't be able to drive yourself home since you'll probably feel queasy, exhausted, and uncomfortable right away.

  • Step 6: Recovering after a rhinoplasty

For a few days after their surgery, patients should prepare for swelling, bruising, bleeding, and a little headache. Your doctor will prescribe painkillers to assist lessen the agony you experience following surgery. In order to prevent any indentations in the regrowing bone structure of the nose, experts advise against wearing glasses throughout the healing phase. You will also have any stitches and packing taken out during your post-operative checkup, which typically happens seven to ten days following the operation. A minimum of two weeks should pass without engaging in any strenuous activities. In order to avoid irritating the skin surrounding the afflicted area for up to two weeks, patients should also avoid applying cosmetics. For up to six weeks after your treatment, you shouldn't wear eyeglasses to preserve your nose from deviations in the nasal bone that might need a revision rhinoplasty. Some patients may not get the full advantages of a rhinoplasty for up to a year due to the lengthy recovery phase. You will gradually see changes in the structure of your nose over this period.


Please contact us for additional information or to schedule a consultation for rhinoplasty surgery.

This article is for informational and advisory purposes. The recommendations of your surgeon who will examine you and perform your surgery should be a priority.