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How long does swelling last after nose job / rhinoplasty? in Istanbul Aesthetics/Plastic Surgery Clinics - Turkey Blog

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Rhinoplasty Swelling and Healing Timeline

How long does swelling last after nose job / rhinoplasty? in Turkey, Istanbul

Swelling initially subsides fast and then gradually over an extended period of time. In most situations, there will be considerable swelling when the cast is removed after one week. Once the dressings' compression is released over the following few days, the edema actually increases.

The nose is quite swollen and frequently has pen marks from the procedure or dried crusts at one week. This is better since the patient can now wash their face fully and take a shower.

The nose appears more normal at two weeks, although it is still bloated. Yet it would be quite OK to leave the house and go to work, etc.

After one month, the nose seems practically normal, so your friends and family probably won't even realize anything is different. Just you, your surgeon, and maybe your significant other are currently bothered by the swelling.

At three months, there is typically a noticeable reduction in general puffiness and edema. The actual beginning of the end outcome may be seen at this point. Close examination reveals a thickness to the skin, however, that won't exist in the future.

The nasal skin thickness is definitely thinning at 6 months. The nose's form is the same as it was at three months, but it has more definition and the skin is wrapping around it more securely.

The outcome is regarded as "final" after 12 months. Yet, it should be remembered that the nose frequently heals and changes quite slowly. In the long term, the effects of aging will also become apparent, which might somewhat alter the outcome. A proper rhinoplasty, however, produces a nose that is designed to last and is not anticipated to require an update or revision.


Please contact us for additional information or to schedule a consultation for rhinoplasty surgery.

This article is for informational and advisory purposes. The recommendations of your surgeon who will examine you and perform your surgery should be a priority.