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Rhinoplasty, Nose Job - Istanbul

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What is Rhinoplasty or Nose Aesthetics?

Nose aesthetics (Rhinoplasty) is the reshaping of the bone and cartilage structures of the nose to obtain an aesthetic appearance. It is one of the most frequently applied aesthetic operations in the world. Today, where facial appearance is important at all ages, a beautiful nose becomes indispensable for a beautiful face appearance. A nose that looks incompatible with the facial structure can cause psychological problems ranging from a decrease in self-confidence.

In rhinoplasty operations, it is aimed to correct the functional problems of the nose along with the correction of the aesthetic appearance. Difficulty breathing through the nose can turn into a problem that seriously affects the quality of life of the person in the later stages. During the rhinoplasty operation, the septum (middle part of the nose) curvatures that cause breathing difficulties and the excess of mucous-bone formations called concha are removed. At the same time, strictures that prevent airflow in the nose are eliminated, cartilage angles are arranged to provide the best airflow.

  • Those who are uncomfortable with the aesthetic appearance of the nose
  • Those who suffer from breathing problems
  • People who do not have a serious health problem that may prevent surgery are candidates for rhinoplasty operation.

Before the surgery, the patient should express his/her expectations in the clearest way possible. The patient is informed in detail about the course of the surgery and the postoperative period. The patient should stop smoking at least 2 weeks in advance and also inform the physician about the drugs he uses. One day before or just before the operation, detailed photographs of the patient are taken and preparation for general anesthesia is made.

Rhinoplasty is an operation performed under general anesthesia. It can be done with open or closed technique. The difference between the open technique and the closed technique is that an incision of less than 0.5 cm is made on the skin under the nose. Around the 2nd month after the operation, almost no scar remains at the site of this incision. It is best to decide together with your doctor which technique is more suitable for you. The duration of the operation may vary between 2 and 4 hours depending on the procedures to be performed.

In general, those who are uncomfortable with the aesthetic appearance and structure of their nose, those who have difficulty breathing through the nose, etc. rhinoplasty operation is preferred.

Op.Dr. Hasan Tuna Turkmen Aesthetic Center
rhinoplasty burun estetiği

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Although the length of stay after the operation varies according to the operations performed, it is usually 1 or 2 days.

As in any surgery, there are of course some risks in aesthetic nose operations. Although the risks associated with general anesthesia are also valid in rhinoplasty, there are some risks specific to rhinoplasty.

Patient dissatisfaction or some undesirable changes (mild asymmetries, persistence of breathing difficulty, low nasal tip, etc.) can be seen at a rate of 5-10% after nose surgeries. Some of these may require revision surgeries.