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What does a mummy makeover surgery consist of? in Turkey, Istanbul Aesthetics/Plastic Surgery Clinic

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Mommy Makeover Surgery with Op.Dr. Tuna Turkmen in Turkey, Istanbul

Operations performed under the name of Mummy Makeover;

  • Breast enlargement,
  • Breast lift,
  • Breast reduction,
  • Tummy Tuck and Mini Tummy Tuck,
  • Liposuction,
  • Vaginal aesthetics (labiaplasty),
  • Vaginal tightening aesthetics (vaginoplasty),
  • Stretch mark treatment,
  • C-Section (Cesarean Section) Scar Revision.

Within Mummy Makeover, non-surgical aesthetic procedures such as butt lift, laser skin resurfacing, focused ultrasound, and facial fat injection is also performed.

Breast enlargement:


Breast reduction may occur after childbirth. An aesthetic procedure to enhance the volume of the breasts is called breast augmentation surgery. The procedure places breast prostheses under the breast tissue or chest muscles. With these prostheses, the volume of the breast tissue is increased, and the breast is brought to the desired size. The most widely used breast augmentation method today is the procedure of silicone prostheses. Applying the patient's fat tissue is another option. Surgical scars may fade over time and become vague.

Breast lift:

It is an operation called “mastopexy” by physicians. In breast lift surgery, the sagging breast tissue is reshaped, excess skin is removed, and the nipple is brought to where it should be. If the breasts are large, the excess breast tissue is removed; if they are small, they are supported with silicone prostheses. Breast lift operations are reduced for those with large and sagging breasts and with enlargement for patients who have hollowed out and sagged after birth or weight loss. It is not yet possible to leave no scars after the operation. The incisions are made around the nipple and along the breast and extend downwards.

Breast reduction:


Breast reduction surgery is called “reduction mammoplasty” in medicine; If the breasts are larger than normal, it is the process of making them suitable for body proportions. This surgery removes excess fat, breast tissue, and a part of the skin, and the body proportion forms a breast The breasts get firmer, lighter, and smaller after surgery. The dark skin around the nipple, known as the areola, may also be decreased during the surgery. In this surgery, the scars are permanent. Over time, the traces turn into an indistinct state.

Tummy Tuck and mini tummy tuck:

Tummy Tuck and mini tummy tuck-istanbul-turkey

With the effect of pregnancy, cracks in the abdominal skin, weakening, and separation of the abdominal muscles may occur. Abdominoplasty removes excess fat from the abdomen with the help of a cannula. The abdominal skin will become more taut and elastic with the removal of fat. Thanks to this process, a flat stomach and a slim body are achieved. With the help of the incision in the bikini area, the skin on the upper side is pulled, the spare part is removed, and the skin is tightened. Damage formations on the muscles during pregnancy are also removed in operation.

A mini tummy tuck is an procedure in which fat, muscle, and skin excesses are shaped only in the sub-belly abdomen, and the belly area is not shaped. It is mostly applied to patients who do not have weight problems and accumulate excess fat due to rapid weight gain and loss, such as pregnancy.



Liposuction removes excess fat from the abdomen, hips, back, and arms through a tube and cannulas. This process allows the person to have smoother body lines and a narrower, athletic, curvy waist appearance. In maternal aesthetic surgery, Liposuction is applied before tummy tuck surgery.

Labiaplasty (vaginal aesthetics):

It is the elimination of problems such as loosening and sagging that occur in the inner lips of the vagina during childbirth. After birth, more deformation occurs in the inner labia of the vagina. In addition to the concern for aesthetic appearance, as a result of looseness in the inner lips of the vagina, these lips will appear longer than the outer lips, which will negatively affect the daily life of the patients.

Labiaplasty is an aesthetic procedure that allows the inner lips to be reduced and return to their normal appearance. Excess skin is removed during the procedure. With the reduction of the inner lips of the vagina, the vagina is narrowed. The recovery period is quite short. In a little period of time, the patient can resume his regular life.

Vaginal tightening aesthetics (vaginoplasty):

Due to pregnancy and childbirth, conditions such as tearing, enlargement, and loosening of the vagina may occur. People who are disturbed by this situation resort to vaginoplasty surgery. With vaginoplasty, the vagina that loosens expands and loses its elasticity is narrowed by getting rid of this situation.

Treatment of Skin Cracks:

Tears will occur due to excessive stretching of the skin during pregnancy. As a result, elastin and collagen fibers will be damaged, and cracks will occur. Stretch marks are generally seen on the legs, arms, belly, breasts, waist, and hips. Stretch marks treatment methods include laser therapy, micro-needling, chemical peels, skin filling, and surgical procedures.

Laser Treatment:

Laser treatment penetrates the lower layers of the skin, increasing collagen production and renewing skin cells.

Micro Needling:

Micro-needling makes tiny holes under the skin that increase collagen production.

Chemical Peeling:

Chemical peeling peels off the top layer of the skin and creates a new skin layer.

Skin Filling:

Skin filling is a method that fills the cracks with a substance such as hyaluronic acid placed in the skin cracks.

Surgical Procedures:

Surgical procedures treat skin cracks by applying skin grafts or cutting cracked areas of the skin.

Caesarean section scar revision:

Cesarean section scars are one of the postpartum aesthetic problems. Cesarean section scars usually heal imperceptibly. Sometimes adhesions and depressions to the underlying tissue occur. Gaining weight after giving birth highlights this depression further. The following procedures are carried out in conjunction with caesarean section corrective procedures:

  • Deleting cesarean section marks during Tummy Tuck
  • C-section scar correction with Scar Revision
  • C-section scar correction with Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser

Please contact us for additional information or to schedule a consultation for mommy makeover with us. You can also read breast augmentation, abdominoplasty - tummy tuck, breast lift pages.

This article is for informational and advisory purposes. The recommendations of your surgeon who will examine you and perform your surgery should be a priority.